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Don't Diet! Just Think And Get Thin

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Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………………..11
     How to Use This Program ………………………………… 13
      Use Pencil…………………………………………………… 13
      Are You Ready to Lose Weight?.............................................. 14
      (Weight Loss Questionnaire)
     Results - Are You Ready to Lose Weight?............................... 21
     Avoid Diets……….…………………………………………. 23
     BMI Chart……….………………………………………….. 24

     Find Motivation (Reason Why)…………………………….. 27
     Goal Setting…………………………………………………. 43
     Create Checkpoints Along the Way………………………….. 49
     Weight-Loss Action Form……………………………………. 52
      Monitor Your Weight Daily………………………….………. 53
     The Daily Weight-Loss Process & Using the Scale…....… 54
     The Daily Process……………………………………..…. 55

 Day 1 …………………………………………………………..
     Create a Plan for Day 1………………………………………. 57
     Daily Journal - End of Day 1………………………………… 58
     End of Day Questions………………………………………… 59

 Day 2…………………………………………………………..
     Start of Day Questions……….………………………….. 61
     Create a Plan for Day 2……………………………………… 62
     Daily Journal - End of Day 2………..……….……………… 63
     End of Day Questions……………...………………………… 64

 Day 3……………………………………………………………
     Start of Day Questions……………………………………. 66
     Create a Plan for Day 3……………………………………... 67
     Daily Journal - End of Day 3……………………………..… 68
     End of Day Questions…………………………………..…… 69

 Day 4……………………………………………………………
     Start of Day Questions……………………………………. 71
     Create a Plan for Day 4…………………………………….…. 72
     Daily Journal - End of Day 4…………………………………. 73
     End of Day Questions………………………………………… 74

 Day 5………………………………………………………...…
     Start of Day Questions………………………………………... 76
     Create a Plan for Day 5…………………………………….. 77
     Daily Journal - End of Day 5………………………………. 78
     End of Day Questions………………………………………. 79

 Day 6…………………………………………………………..
     Start of Day Questions………………………………….….. 81
     Create a Plan for Day 6……………………………………. 82
     Daily Journal - End of Day 6………………………………… 83
      End of Day Questions……………………………………… 84

 Day 7…………………………………………………….
     Start of Day Questions…………………………………….….. 86
     Create a Plan for Day 7………………………………..…… 87
     Daily Journal - End of Day 7………………………………. 88
     End of Day Questions………………………….…………… 89
     Self Evaluation – Week 1…………………………………..…. 90

 Day 8……………………………………………………….….
     Start of Day Questions……………………………………..…. 93
     Create a Plan for Day 8………………………………….…. 94
     Daily Journal - End of Day 8………………..………….….. 95
     End of Day Questions…………………………………….…… 96

 Day 9………………………………………………………..….
      Start of Day Questions…………………………………98
     Create a Plan for Day 9……………………………………. 99
     Daily Journal - End of Day……………………………………100
     End of Day Questions………………………………………….101

 Day 10…………………………………………………………
     Start of Day Questions……………………………..…………. 103
     Create a Plan for Day 10…………………………………… 104
     Daily Journal - End of Day 10………………………………... 105
     End of Day Questions………………………………................. 106

 Day 11………………………………………………………….
     Start of Day Questions…………………………………..…… 108
     Create a Plan for Day 11………………………………….... 109
     Daily Journal - End of Day 11………………………………... 110
     End of Day Questions……………………………….………… 111

 Day 12…………………………………………………………
      Start of Day Questions…………………………..……. 113
     Create a Plan for Day 12…………………………………....... 114
     Daily Journal - End of Day 12………………………………... 115
     End of Day Questions…………………………………..…... 116
Day 13…………………………………………………………. 117
      Start of Day Questions…………………………………. 118
     Create a Plan for Day 13………………………….……….. 119
     Daily Journal - End of Day 13……………………….………. 120
     End of Day Questions…………………………………..…….. 121
Day 14…………………………………………………………. 122
      Start of Day Questions……………………………..…. 123
     Create a Plan for Day 14………………..……………….…. 124
     Daily Journal - End of Day 14……………………….…….. 125
     End of Day Questions……………………………..………….. 126
     Self Evaluation – Week 2……………………….…………….. 127

 Day 15………………………………………………………….
      Start of Day Questions……………………………..………….. 130
     Create a Plan for Day 15…………………………………… 131
     Daily Journal - End of Day 15 ……………………………….. 132
     End of Day Questions……………………………..………... 133

 Day 16………………………………………………………….
      Start of Day Questions………………………………………… 135
     Create a Plan for Day 16…………………………………........ 136
     Daily Journal - End of Day 16……………………………….. 137
     End of Day Questions……………………….…………… 138

 Day 17…………………………………………………………
     Start of Day Questions………………………………… 140
     Create a Plan for Day 17……………………………..………. 141
     Daily Journal - End of Day 17……………………….………. 142
     End of Day Questions………………………………………… 143

 Day 18……………………………………………………………
      Start of Day Questions..……………….…………..…… 145
     Create a Plan for Day 18……………………….…………... 146
     Daily Journal - End of Day 18……………………………... 147
     End of Day Questions………………………….……….. 148

     Start of Day Questions……………………………………... 150
     Create a Plan for Day 19……………………………….. 151
     Daily Journal - End of Day 19……………………………….. 152
     End of Day Questions…………………………….…….. 153

 Day 20………………………………………………..…………
      Start of Day Questions………………………..………... 155
     Create a Plan for Day 20………………………....……..…156
     Daily Journal - End of Day 20……………...………….. 157
     End of Day Questions………………………….……….. 158

 Day 21…………………………………………………………
      Start of Day Questions……………………………….. 160
     Create a Plan for Day 21………………….…………………. 161
     Daily Journal - End of Day 21……………………………….. 162
     End of Day Questions……………………………….….. 163
     Self Evaluation – Week 3……………………………. 164

 Day 22…………………………………………………………
      Start of Day Questions…………………………………. 167
     Create a Plan for Day 22……………………………….. 168
     Daily Journal - End of Day 22……………………………….. 169
     End of Day Questions…………….…………………….. 170

 Day 23…………………………..……………………………..
     Start of Day Questions…………… ..……………..…. 172
     Create a Plan for Day 23…………...……………………… 173
     Daily Journal - End of Day 23………..……………………… 174
     End of Day Questions………………………………………..... 175

 Day 24…………………………………………………………....
     Start of Day Questions…………………………….…..……… 177
     Create a Plan for Day 24………………………….…..……… 178
     Daily Journal - End of Day 24……………………..………… 179
     End of Day Questions ……………………………………… 180

 Day 25…………………………………………………………..
     Start of Day Questions………………………………….......... 182
     Create a Plan for Day 25………………………………........... 183
     Daily Journal - End of Day 25……………………………….. 184
     End of Day Questions…………………………………............ 185

 Day 26…………………………………………………………
     Start of Day Questions…………………………………. 187
     Create a Plan for Day 26…………………………….………. 188
     Daily Journal - End of Day 26………………………………. 189
     End of Day Questions……………………………..…………. 190

 Day 27…………………………………………………………..
     Start of Day Questions………………………….……. 192
     Create a Plan for Day 27……………………….……………. 193
     Daily Journal - End of Day 27………………………………. 194
     End of Day Questions……………………………..…………. 195
     Self Evaluation – Week 4…………………………………….. 196

 Day 28…………………………………………………………
      Start of Day Questions……………………………….… 199
     Create a Plan for Day 28………………….……..………… 200
     Daily Journal - End of Day 28……………………………….. 201
     End of Day Questions………………………………….... 202

 Day 29…………………………………………………………
      Start of Day Questions……………………………….. 204
     Create a Plan for Day 29…………………………………….. 205
     Daily Journal - End of Day 29…………………..….……….. 206
     End of Day Questions……………………………….....…….. 207

 Day 30……………………………………………………………
     Start of Day Questions………………………………..………. 209
     Create a Plan for Day 30…………………………….…….. 210
     Daily Journal - End of Day 30……………………………….. 211
     End of Day Questions……………………………………........ 212

 Day 31……………………………………………………………
      Start of Day Questions………………………………….. 214
     Create a Plan for Day 31…………………………………….. 215
     Daily Journal - End of Day 31………………………….…… 216
     End of Day Questions…………………………………..……. 217
     Self Evaluation – End of Program………………………….. 218

 How to Deal With Weight-Loss Obstacles…………………….
     Weight Loss Obstacles & Solutions……………………….… 224

 Weight Loss Strategies……………………………….………
     Simple Weight-Loss Strategies………………………….….… 227
     Track Your Weight-Loss Progress………………………..…. 228
     Ways to Stay Positive………………………….………....…… 229
     Change to Lose Weight and Keep It Off………..……….…. 230
     Change the Habit of Being Overweight………………..….… 231
     Change Your Associations with Unhealthy Foods……….…. 232
     Think About the Future…………………………………….. 233
     Procrastination is the Killer of Weight Loss………………… 234
     Can People See Your Determination? ………………..…..… 235
     Develop a Consistent Attitude………………………..…….… 236
     Losing Weight is Uncomfortable ……………………………. 237
     5 Things We Can Do Now to Start Losing Weight……….… 238
     Don’t Deprive Yourself……………………………..…….…... 239
     Watch Portion Sizes…………………………………………… 239
     Understand Portion Sizes to Lose Weight………………..….. 240
     Delay Gratification to Weight Loss……………………….….. 241
     Choose Health Priorities Over Obligations………………….. 243
     Make Adjustments to Lose Weight…………………………... 244
     How to Handle Weight-Loss Mistakes………………….….… 245
     Pay it Forward to Lose Weight………………………………. 246
     Other Holiday Tips……………………………………………. 247
     Weight-Loss Excuses Verses Weight-Loss Reasons………… 249
     What Excuses Do You Give for Not Losing Weight? …...…. 257
     General Rules to Live By………………………………………258
     Solving the Weight-Loss Plateau…………………………….. 260
     A Few Reasons Why People Can’t Lose Weight ……………. 261
     Identify Emotional eating…………………………………….. 262
     Know Why You Eat…………………………….……………... 263
     Ask Yourself a Few Questions to Lose Weight…………..….. 264
     Maintain Your New Weight………………………………...... 265
     31 Day Weight Tracking Calendar……………………..……. 267
     Time Tracking Worksheet…………………………………… 268

 Food Strategies ……………………………………………….
     List Your To 10 Comfort Foods…………………………….. 270
     Eating & Food Tips………………………………………….... 271
     Fruit…………………………………………………………..... 274
     Vegetables……………………………………………….……... 277
     Make Healthy Snack Choices……………………………….... 280
     Best Vending Machine Choices………………………….….... 281
     Shopping Tips………………………………………………..... 282
     Healthy Kitchen – Basics……………………………………... 283
     What Are Some High Protein Foods? ………….…………… 284
     Canned Foods to Stock………………………………..…….... 286
     Miscellaneous Items……………………………………...….... 287
     Foods That Can Help You Feel Full……………..….……...... 288
     Timesaving Tips for Produce……………………………….... 289
     Meal Timesavers…………………………………………….... 290
     Restaurant Rights………………………………...................... 291
     Choose & Avoid…………………………….......................... 292
     Snacks to Keep at Work………………………………............ 296
     Food for the Road………………………………...................... 297
     Work Meeting Choices………………………………............... 299
     Lunch Suggestions………………………………...................... 300
     Choose Your Beverages Wisely……………............................. 301
     About Fast Food……………................................................... 302
     Healthy Eating Terms……………........................................... 303
     Drink More Water……………................................................. 304

 Exercise & Activity Strategies……………………….………
     Why Is Physical Activity Important For Weight Loss……… 307
     Benefits of Regular Physical Activity………………………… 310
     Fitness Formula……………………………………………..… 312
     Levels of Intensity…………………………………………...… 313
     Components of a Workout…………………………………… 314
     Increase Daily Physical Activity……………………………... 315
     Calories Burned (30 Minutes of Exercise)…………….…..… 318
      Other Physical Activities & Exercises……………….…….… 319
     Things to Know About Exercising…………………………… 320
     Prevent Exercise Plateaus……………………………………. 321
     Prevent Exercise Reversibility……………………………..… 322
     How Much Should You Exercise?............................................ 323
     Activity & Exercise Tips…………………………………...…. 324


 Contact Info……………………………..……...……………...

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